William Melancon Photography
Helping You Tell Better Stories
Humans are storytellers, we weave meaning into our lives through narratives, both real and imagined. Our own lives are amazing storier, and they are worth telling in the best way possible through narrative driven, visually capitvating photos.

Photos are by a nature a snapshot, but good photos compel the viewer to consider and larger whole, they tell the story of a time and place through a single frame. As a photographer and designer, My primary aspiration is the elevation of truth. If I am deligent and docile to the guidance of the holy spirit, I can transform mere truth into beauty, compelling a response and demanding the viewers elevate themselves in response. My succeess in this endeavor an ongoing process, but as my own story unfolds I move a bit further each day, slowly multiplying my talents and attending to my mission in this life.

Our time in this world is precious, and easily lost the thresher maw of history. Allow me to capture these moments with the permanence of photography, giving your story a compelling edge, and inviting others to share in the keynotes of your journey on this earth. Together we can leave a trail to find your way back to precious memories, and possibly even inspire the next generation to follow in your footsteps.

If you would like help telling your story, please reach out to me at [email protected] so that we can discuss the best solution for capturing the milestones of your life for generations to come.